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What's Best for Your Land

Taking a bird's eye view to forest health


individual forestry services icon

Individual Forestry

  • Tree health assessment

  • Cabling and bracing

  • Trimming and removal

  • Habitat creation

  • Ivy removal

  • Individual tree plantings

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stand forestry services icon

Stand Forestry

  • Stand inventory and health assessment

  • Low impact timber extraction

  • Pre-commercial & ecological thinning

  • Habitat improvement

  • Replanting Services

  • Individual tree plantings

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Reach out for Trusted Expertise and Knowledge

Call an Expert in Forest Health

We'll help you find the improvements that will bring the most value to the land you own.

If your goals are for high-yield harvest, carbon sequestration, general forest health, or recreational use, we have the experience to help you reach them.

Serving Olympia, Washington with Care and Expertise

Brower Forestry specializes in stand forestry assessment and management. We offer services like timber thinning to increase yield, species removal to improve habitat competition, and stand replanting to optimize your next grow cycle. With more than 10 years of experience, we choose the most environmentally friendly way to improve your land.

Whether it’s one tree or ten thousand, we'll solve your problems and guide your ecosystem to health and beauty.


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Your forest's best health is only one call away.

Send us a message about how we can be of service and we will get back to you soon.

Martin Fitzpatrick

I’ve bought and sold timber-producing land all across America— Washington, Alabama, North Dakota, you name it. I always like to meet some local foresters before I make any changes to the land, or start harvesting, and I was glad I found Brower Forestry. Beowulf Brower is a true professional, and I’ve got him to thank for what I hope to be very successful harvest starting next year.

Sherri Kelly

When I bought my house, it came with way more acreage than I knew what to do with. My wife suggested I call a forestry company, to see what our options were for selling the timber, or cutting paths through the forest. I was so glad to find Beowulf online. He told us all about the species active on our property, and made some great suggestions on how to improve the health of our forest. We’re hoping to thin out some trees, and add hiking paths this fall! Thanks Brower Forestry for all your help.

Kate Morgan

We had a beautiful oak tree in our front yard that began to split right down the middle. Our house wouldn’t look the same without it, so I was very glad when we called Beowulf and said there was a good chance the tree could be saved. He arrived quickly and braced the tree against itself in one afternoon. Three years later, our tree is healthier than it’s ever been! Thank you for being so prompt, and saving our tree!

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