Dedicated to quality service and sustainability

We aim to provide clients with quality work at an affordable rate for long-term forest health and productivity.
To explore research that informs our forestry practice, click here.

Our Services

individual forestry services icon

Individual Forestry

  • Tree health assessment

  • Cabling and bracing

  • Trimming and removal

  • Habitat creation

  • Ivy removal

  • Individual tree plantings

We’re experienced with Washington trees and plants. If you have a tree that you think needs support, we’ll know exactly what it needs to beautify your land and live long into the future. We have the experience to make sure your project gets completed in a timely manner.

stand forestry services icon

Stand Forestry

  • Stand inventory and health assessment

  • Low-impact timber extraction

  • Pre-commercial + ecological thinning

  • Habitat improvement

  • Replanting services

Tell us if you're looking for yield improvement, habitat maintenance, or anything in-between. We'll take the time to walk your land and gather the necessary data to paint a clear picture of how your forested land can be at its best.

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Send us a detailed message about how we can be of service and we will get back to you promptly.

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